Escape into the Wild

"Escape into the Wild"

#Music, #Photography, #designs, #video by @BluedarkArt  

Are You ready to start running on a #Jungle of #Colors, Images and #Rythm? 
Let the rythmic images beat with Your Heart and with #Percussions and #Keyboards! 
Follow me on an irresistible urge to flee, to escape from everyday life, habits, everything that stifles us and crush us ... 
an escape to the Jungle, to #Nature, to #Freedom! Run! Run! Let he beating of your Heart follow these #sounds, giving rythm to your running, and opening Your #Path to the Unknown, to a New #World, a Better World! Never give up!, put on Your Headphones, turn the Volume up...and GO! Happy Earth Day! 

Video / Photography / Designs / Illustrations by BluedarkArt

- All the images on this video are Copyright by BluedarkArt, from #Fotolia or
- Music 'Escape to the Jungle' is composed by BluedarkArt : Copyright by #BluDarkMuse :

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